Located in Naniwa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Nippombashi is the largest electric town in western Japan.
Together with Akihabara in Tokyo and Osu in Nagoya, Nippombashi is known as one of Japan’s three major electronics districts.

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Western Japan’s largest subculture mecca

Nippombashi Ota Road
Ota Road

In recent years, the number of retail stores selling PCs, PC parts, home appliances, and other electrical goods has declined, while stores selling anime, manga, trading card, and figures, as well as maid cafes, have increased.

In particular, a large number of stores are clustered on a street called Ota Road, which attracts many tourists as a mecca for subcultures in western Japan.

Nippombashi Animate building
Building of anime and manga shops

Surrounding area

three dimensional crab signboard at Dotonbori

Within walking distance of Nippombashi are Dotonbori (to the north of Nippombashi), one of Osaka’s most popular tourist attractions, and Tsutenkaku Tower (to the south of Nippombashi), a symbol of Osaka, both of which are recommended for sightseeing.

Tsutenkaku Tower at Osaka
Tsutenkaku Tower

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Nippombashi (日本橋)


Naniwa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka 556-0005


6-minute walk from Nankai Railway Namba Station and Osaka Metro Ebisucho Station.
9-minute walk from Osaka Metro Namba Station.
10-minute walk from Nippombashi Station, Kintetsu-Nippombashi Station, Hanaki Tramway Ebisucho Station.


(Osaka Metro) Nippombashi Station
Sakaisuji Line, Sennichimae Line

(Kintetsu Railway) Kintetsu-Nippombashi Station
Namba Line

(Osaka Metro) Namba Station
Midosuji Line, Sennichimae Line, Yotsubashi Line

(Nankai Railway) Namba Station
Nankai Main Line, Koya Line

(Osaka Metro) Ebisucho Station
Sakaisuji Line

(Hanaki Tramway) Ebisucho Station
Hankai Line

